Thursday, September 6, 2012


I enjoy thinking about, reading about and watching movies about the Apocalypse. It really doesn't freak me out at all, it fascinates me. I was talking to a dear friend last night about the Apocalypse. We were actually talking about a book idea I have involving all my favorite things: time travel, end of the world, fashion, 18th century history, etc.

Do any of you ever feel like your brain is tuned in to a different radio frequency? Like everyone else is set to 95.5 FM and you somehow can only hear 1350 AM? That's how I feel when I talk to most other Christians about Christian kinds of things. It's almost like I am speaking another language. It's most often how I feel when I sit in church. There is this wonderful man who sits in front of me at church and pats his head the whole time. I am pretty sure that he is tuned in to 1450 AM because I kind of get the head patting thing. It's a good reaction to church.

I am really hoping I am wrong but I think that 95.5 FM is mostly noise. You know what kind of noise I mean, its the music that you know all the words to and sing all day and really have never thought about what they mean. The noise that just kind of seeps in to your brain. It totally remind me of the Apocalypse and it makes me think that the Apocalypse is here and now.

Don't get me wrong, I am really in to Jesus Christ and all that He is and does. Maybe we are coming to a time in our churches where we are going to stop caring about power or programs or growth or money. I hope this Apocalypse leaves a few survivors.


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